From a farmers’ market (2004) that highlighted rural produce in the urban...
by soukeltayeb
what do you prefer Atayef Ashta Or Nutella ? 🤔🙊...Atayef are lebanese... (Greater Montreal)
by frisinette_
Stuffed grape leaves known as “Warak Enab” in Arabic, is a Lebanese dish... (Laval, Quebec)
by frisinette_
Extra Mushroom and Cheese Plz 😏.🍝🤤 ...🔥❤️ lebanesechef ... (Verdun, Quebec)
by frisinette_
A special night @inkabeirut inkabeirut perouvian kitchen food ... (Inka Beirut)
by rimabeautystyleandco
This recipe uses canned fava beans , hummus and stews them with garlic,... (Montreal, Quebec)
by frisinette_
Never without my Taboulé 🙊... grilledsalmon redpepper greenpepper ... (Saint-Laurent, Quebec)
by frisinette_
كيف بتحبو تاكلو ورق العنب مع لبن أو مع بصل أخضر و نعنع 🍃؟ 🤔.أو الاتنين... (Laval, Quebec)
by frisinette_
ShiSh BaRak ❤️ . .*For the Shish Barak dumplings:🌸2 cups flour🌸500 g ...
by frisinette_
👉🏻 Le knafeh ou knefeh (on trouve encore d’autres écritures) est en fait... (Laval, Quebec)
by frisinette_
When sushi is life 🥰!!! My boat .. my love 😍!! ... maki sushi ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by mahfoodie92
Wanna go boneless ? 🤤... 3 or 4 baskets ? 😬... try it with the teriyaki... (Lord of the Wings)
by mahfoodie92
Original fried wings are the best on this planet ! Specially if sided by... (Lord of the Wings)
by mahfoodie92
What do you prefer ? Grilled or fried or boneless 😬 !! ............ (Lord of the Wings)
by mahfoodie92
السوشي والوينغز زينة الحياة الدنيا 🍖🍗🍣Soooo many dips !! Sooo many... (Lord of the Wings)
by mahfoodie92
The realm of darkness gourmet kitchen livelovelebanon livelovenature ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by fadibad
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.... (Kuwait City)
by mahfoodie92
Jezzinian kebbe ! Stuffed with labneh & minced beef !!! & some local... (Al Shallal Jezzine مطعم الشلال جزين)
by mahfoodie92
That amazing goat labneh balls !! That you can only find in jezzine 😻 🇱🇧 (Al Shallal Jezzine مطعم الشلال جزين)
by mahfoodie92
Cooking LOVE 🎈Apron for all the family ❤️ Write it on fabric by nid d'abei
by nidabeille.lb
kitchen restaurant chef food Bread tomato paste chili parsley ...
by bapa13
Crab salad is amazing 🦀 what if its is sided by sashimi & ginger 🐟 🐠...... (VOX Cinemas Lebanon)
by mahfoodie92
Miso soup get delicious when u get used to it !! Try it with squeezed... (Sushiko Baabda)
by mahfoodie92
They say oily .. others say not healthy .. bla bla bla !! But tbh I’m... (KFC)
by mahfoodie92
What about the fajita stuffed one ? 🙀... stuffed with cheese, chicken,... (Domino's Pizza Mazraa)
by mahfoodie92
When They Ask Me If I Like Pain... @etchingtattoo. tattoo tattooed ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
by patrickseukunian
🍝🤤 ...🔥❤️ lebanesechef spaghetti italian italianospaghetti ... (Montreal, Quebec)
by frisinette_
My amazing salmon fillet burger @classicbrgr 😻!! Have u tried this ? ...... (The Backyard Hazmieh)
by mahfoodie92
For the lovers of knefeh bjeben 😉!! I like to have it without the kaak !... (Amal Bohsali)
by mahfoodie92
the view of the hospital room 😂!! With some makis & temakis & crab salad � (Hopital Hayek)
by mahfoodie92