Lebanon in a Picture

Resist existence - expect resistance. Lebanon has a rich biodiversity and...

Resist existence - expect resistance. Lebanon has a rich biodiversity and beauty stretching beyond paradise; heaven as it is on earth. Driving out of #terrayoun, our farmland in Baskinta on the foothills of Mount Sannine. We didnt make a lot of waste growing up in the village. Deposit return schemes and composting a norm with baladi practices and mouneh traditions keeping packaged and toxic foods at bay. Today, the confrontation of our health vs pocketed wealth to build and feed incinerators is conflicting with our right to a future. Stand up against waste to energy - against incineration and follow us with @wastemanagementcoalition for the most up to date debate and activites surrounding lebanon's incineration fight. #lebanon #livelovebaskinta #tourlebanon #tastelebanon #zerowaste #circulareconomy #wmclebanon #stopincineration
by recyclelebanon / Instagram

August 06, 2018 by recyclelebanon