Lebanon in a Picture

Coastal landfilling, the clouds settle and reality sets in. Grave danger... (Burj Hammud)

Coastal landfilling, the clouds settle and reality sets in. Grave danger... (Burj Hammud) Coastal landfilling, the clouds settle and reality sets in. Grave danger lies ahead, yesterday's away. You can't bring back time but you can change the actions of now. Local and international call for ceasing landfilling the Lebanese coast and planned incinerations. Don't contribute, take personal responsibility to rethink, redesign, refuse, reduse, reuse, recycle and regenerate. Sign up to recycle and divert your waste from the sea with @lebtivity. Express outrage and call for an end to the ecocide of paradise on Earth. #linord #wastecrisis #lebanon #livelovelebanon #plasticpollutes #cleanseas #oceanrescue
by recyclelebanon / Instagram

July 14, 2017 by recyclelebanon