Lebanon in a Picture

❤ Our first video interview with founder Joslin Kehdy @nomadtelegraph on ...

❤ Our first video interview with founder Joslin Kehdy @nomadtelegraph on ...

ā¤ Our first video interview with founder Joslin Kehdy @nomadtelegraph on #diveintoaction #sort2recycle clean ups and the @rethinklebanon platform and app in the making šŸŒž 'La crise des deĢchets au Liban' šŸŽ¬Produced by #processmeĢditeĢrraneĢe un programme d' @arcenciel.aec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPGgx5hinsQ&t=12s . . . . . . #breakfreefromplastic #redesign #itstartswithyou #plasticpollutes #plasticoceans #plasticpollution #oceangyres #plasticbagban #toxicproducts #singleuseplastic #plasticfree #cleanupday #globalalert #oceanrescue #recyclelebanon #liveloverecycle #livelovescouts #livelovelebanon #lebanon #sunshinesquad #aloha #volunteerlebanon #positivelebanon #cleanseas #mothernature #climatechange #bethechange
by recyclelebanon / Instagram