Lebanon in a Picture

🕇"Your weakness is there for you to overcome, and not to use as an... (Annaya - Saint Charbel.)

🕇"Your weakness is there for you to overcome, and not to use as an... (Annaya - Saint Charbel.) 🕇"Your weakness is there for you to overcome, and not to use as an excuse." - #StCharbel 🕇"ضعفك حتّى تتغلّب عليه، مش حتّى تتحجّج فيه." - #مار_شربل _____________________________________________________ #Amen #LebaneseSaint #SaintCharbel #MarCharbel #mystrength #shareyourlebanon #myLebanon #🔙 #sculpture #sculptured #sculptureart #شربل #lebnen
by norayammine / Instagram

April 27, 2017 by norayammine