Lebanon in a Picture

You know what this day is all about? It’s about a four letter word,... (Jbeil جبيل)

You know what this day is all about? It’s about a four letter word,... (Jbeil جبيل) You know what this day is all about? It’s about a four letter word, L.O.V.E. Yes it’s “Love”. It’s about God’s boundless infinite inexplicable love for us that he sent his only son to teach us how to love one another and suffer and die for us at the end to give us eternal life. Yes true love hurts, but it’s so worth it, and that’s what we’re forgetting these days, we get angry at our brother for doing something that bothers us, we bully our friends at school just so we have fun, we be arrogant toward others that we forget that they have feelings too, that we are hurting them and making them feel worthless. That’s why we should teach our children and ourselves, that love is the answer to anything. Love, care, respect and forgive others because we’re all here living our own battles. #justasimplethought Jesus is born❤️ Merry christmas my friends❤️
by jessykafares / Instagram

December 25, 2017 by jessykafares