Join Recycle Lebanon with Marco Benedetti from the Italian Green Chemical... (Tota)
July 06, 2018 by recyclelebanon
Join Recycle Lebanon with Marco Benedetti from the Italian Green Chemical Association and Legambiente Firenze for a technical talk on the international #circulareconomy developments and alternatives to non-recyclable products and artificial leather from apple waste.
Explore the available solutions to rejectable waste making its way out of incinerators and into composting facilities. From sanitary care items and compostable diapers to plastic free menstrual products, biodegradable styrefoam and paint from agriculture waste. Learn more about the fast fashion transition to plastic yarn (PLYARN) from downcycling recovered ocean plastic, further increasing the #waterwars and microfibres in the environment and the "Top 100 no-free plastic world beaches" project and collaborations in #brandaudit clean ups with Recycle #Lebanon.
Get a hands on feel of the artificial apple leather and meet #EcoSouk resident designer Larissa von Planta, producing Lebanon's first apple waste leather from Italy, how we can develop this technology further in the region and how you can support the #RecycleLebanon hub of baladi alternatives and network of green producers.
Following on, meet Lebanese transitioner Charbella Hosry of @Eataplatelb introducing Biotrem Edilble Wheat Bran Tableware from Poland and the establishments taking the BalaPlastic leap forward to reduce single use plastic consumption and production.
Alternative waste recovery and product redesign are at the forefront of change. Be part of the conversation on #BalaPlastic alternatives, the pros and cons, the role of the government to implement levies and reduce the costs of sustainable materials, the transition and struggles that establishments, producers, and consumers are facing to turn the tide on toxic goods and single use packaging reaching the Mediterranean Sea.
by recyclelebanon / Instagram