Lebanon in a Picture

Good manners and soft words have brought many a difficult thing to pass - (Beirut, Lebanon)

Good  manners and soft  words have brought many a difficult thing to pass - (Beirut, Lebanon) Good #manners and soft #words have brought many a difficult thing to pass - Sir John Vanbrugh #الأخلاق الجيدة و #الكلمات اللينة اتاحت للعديد أن يتخطوا أمر صعب - سر جون فنبروغ #value #etiquette #relationships #respect #family #behavior #life #wisdom #love #writing #wordbrain #impossible #hatred #fighting #nothing #amman #dubai #beirut #lebanon
by t2etiquette / Instagram

September 27, 2017 by t2etiquette