Day 1 of plasticfreejuly. Challenge yourself to breakfreefromplastic and... (Batrun, Liban-Nord, Lebanon)
July 01, 2018 by recyclelebanon
Day 1 of #plasticfreejuly. Challenge yourself to #breakfreefromplastic and go #BalaPlastic by refusing a single use plastic and recycling your waste. 😷🌅Today's @jci.lebanon clean up was going to be sent back to sea unknowingly via #Ramco before we stepped in to make sure it would be recycled with @ziad_abichaker. Three years in, the waste can not be hidden and the solutions are here. We are in a severe crisis of our health and environment. Demand closure of coastal landfills with each piece of garbage you find in the sea, on the shores, or on your plates. We have taken legal action with an appeal to the council of ministers against the expansion of coastal landfilling. Reduce and recycle your waste. The government won't. International agencies support failed projects. We are diseased by this waste with a will to live clean. 💧#breakfreefromplastic #zerowaste#circulareconomy#lebanon#garbagecrisis#healthiswealth#waterwars#watercrisis#cleanseas#beatplasticpollution#plasticpollutes#linord
Photo by: @rich_makeitrain
by recyclelebanon / Instagram