Lebanon in a Picture

notreweekend ourweekend

notreweekend ourweekend #notreweekend #ourweekend Saviez-vous que l’on peut trouver des cactus au Liban? Je suis tombée sur ceux-ci le mois dernier lors d’une randonnée à Jezzine, au sud du Liban. On les appelle Sabbegh en arabe. Did you know that you could find cactuses in Lebanon? I spotted these ones in April while hiking near Jezzine, in the South of Lebanon. They are called Sabbegh in Arabic. Pic taken by @mjdaoud #iphone6 #lebanon #Liban #tourisme #tourism #cactus #flore #flora
by labneandfacts / Instagram

May 07, 2016 by mylebanon