Lebanon in a Picture


The Last light..... dubai  mydubai  picsdubai  dubaimall  dubaipics ... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
The Last light..... dubai mydubai picsdubai dubaimall dubaipics ... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) by alaaseifeddinephotography
Sadly it's much easier to create a desert than a forest. - James Lovelock � (El Laklouk, Mont-Liban, Lebanon)
Sadly it's much easier to create a desert than a forest. - James Lovelock � (El Laklouk, Mont-Liban, Lebanon) by dounia.raphael
Cheese Knefe in a pan; cooked right now  knefe  knefeh  sweets  deserts ... (Beirut, Lebanon)
Cheese Knefe in a pan; cooked right now knefe knefeh sweets deserts ... (Beirut, Lebanon) by rabz84
Thank you @midos_sandwiches & @kareem_kawtharani for the great desert... (Beirut, Lebanon)
Thank you @midos_sandwiches & @kareem_kawtharani for the great desert... (Beirut, Lebanon) by rabz84
When you ask your colleagues for a nice quick breakfast & you receive a... (Crown Flour Mills)
When you ask your colleagues for a nice quick breakfast & you receive a... (Crown Flour Mills) by rabz84