Lebanon in a Picture

I don't know how to wear makeup or French braid my hair, my idea of fun... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

I don't know how to wear makeup or French braid my hair, my idea of  fun... (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) I don't know how to wear makeup or French braid my hair, my idea of #fun is #wakesurfing , #jumping from a #plane ,going to #sixflags or #rolling in #mud , I don't feel #guilty eating a whole bag of M&M or over dosing on lemon #cheesecake 🍋(I feel bad from the pain they give me after, but will I do it again? Of course, #notaquitter ) ... I am #notamodel or a #rolemodel , my Instagram is about #workoutideas and that you don't have to give up on the food you #love to have an ok body (a bit of #moderation ) Staying #fit is my #goal , I can live with a bit of #cellulite 💁🏽 #fitness #fitgirl #strong #strongnotskinny #bikinibody #dubai #australia #lebanon #bikinilife #tan #sun #sea
by elianegitani / Instagram