Lebanon in a Picture

Time passes differently at camp. You can miss a year and when you go back... (Ouâdi Qannoûbîne, Liban-Nord, Lebanon)

Time passes differently at camp. You can miss a year and when you go back... (Ouâdi Qannoûbîne, Liban-Nord, Lebanon) Time passes differently at camp. You can miss a year and when you go back it’s like you never left🔥 • • I miss camping 😔 • • • #campfire #camping #campfirecooking #campfires #campfiresong #campfiremusic #campfirestew #campfirestory #campfirefood #campfirestout #campfiresongs #campfirenight #campfiremocha #campfirestories #campfirefun #campfirewood #campfirejuice #campfiretime #outdoors #campfiresmores #campfire_daily #summer2k17 #makingmemories
by dianamaksoud / Instagram

December 26, 2017 by dianamaksoud