Lebanon in a Picture

Single use plastic is a crime with it all going straight into the...

Single use plastic is a crime with it all going straight into the... Single use plastic is a crime with it all going straight into the Medditeranean sea. Suck it up and ditch the straw, a 1 minute consumption which will outlive us all. Order your next beverage #balashalimoun and divert another bpa ridden plastic throw away from reaching the sea and back. We keep sighting drinks with not just one straw, but two... our consumption habits are thoughtlessly and excessively harming our environment and ourselves. Opt out and indulge in the connecting taste and feel of your drink, or get paper straws instead. There's also bamboo, glass and metal alternatives that don't harm everything around us. Sign up to recycle your rubbish @lebtivity guide 📷@breathebeirut #cleanseas #ocearescue #plasticpollutes #plasticfreejuly #linord #lebanon #wastecrisis #livelovelebanon
by recyclelebanon / Instagram

July 12, 2017 by recyclelebanon